Thursday, November 12, 2015

CTP #3 Fantastic BSC 215 Group Project Experience—Morgan Raddatz

 At Alverno College many of the courses have an interactive final group project requirement. Students have to demonstrate the concepts they have learned throughout the semester by applying their knowledge to a final group project to earn course validations. Being an Alverno College student for five semesters; I have had my fair share of doing group projects. A majority of the  group projects I have done were fantastic experiences, but some of them were not.  However one group experience l remember being fantastic is when I did the final group project for a behavioral science class called BSC 215 during my third semester.  

To examine this fantastic group experience I had while doing my final project for this class I  will apply several of the group/team concepts I have learned about in COMM 200. From watching the class PowerPoint presentations and reading the article called Managing Groups and Teams/Communication; I identified my group experience was based primarily  on the concepts shown in the "Group Problem Solving" PowerPoint and the "Small Groups: Rules and Norms" PowerPoint. This was due to having a diverse group for the  project and having to solve several problems to create our final group presentation skit. 

Small Group: Norms
According to Effective Problem-Solving Techniques for Groups: ( "Every group at one time or another has the task of problem solving...One of the reasons groups encounter difficulty in solving problems is that they fail to follow an organized procedure. For working groups to be effective, they should have an agreed-upon procedure for problem solving."  When I looked back at my fantastic group experience I had in BSC 215 I remembered my group developed a plan by using the "Problem Solving Method".  In addition one of the group members created a video script so each of the members  knew what role they had in the presentation skit ahead of time. Having a script made it easier to solve several of the problems the group originally had.  For example one of the group members was on a sports team so they had to miss a few classes. Therefore by creating a skit each member was prepared ahead of time to do the skit. However, if a member was not there another member of the group could step in because they had read information from the script. 

Small Group: Roles
The group problem solving method which was used in the group also helped each group member to establish their own role for the project. For example there were a few individuals in the group who did not like to talk a lot since they were more introverted. Therefore instead of having them have speaking roles for each skit; they worked as "runners" and "scribes" behind the camera by developing the lines and bringing in the props. By respecting members who had different personality traits and group roles our group was acting cohesive. In addition our group was abiding by social norms in a small group setting such as: participating actively and respecting other group members and their thoughts. Overall our presentation video skit turned out well and it received positive feedback from the professor. This result is attributed to  the majority of the group members being active problem solvers and being respectful towards the variety of roles and norms present within the group.


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