Thursday, November 12, 2015

Communication Theory & Practice: My Communication Interests & Goals(CTP BLOG #1) Morgan Raddatz

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Communication is my third major change. Therefore I joined the Communication program with an open mindset.  Having had majors in Business Management and then in Early Childhood Elementary Education made me be exposed to several modes of communication. I learned by changing my major that there are many aspects of communication which can be used within several  disciplines of study. For example  I have always been a social and extroverted individual who enjoyed the aspect of group communication for learning new information. From interacting with various groups, I have learned to effectively communicate with others regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds. In most professions it is necessary for employees to interact with their coworkers in a group setting. Therefore the aspect of group communication can be applied to many career areas as well.

However, it was not until I took a technology class designed for Education majors that I knew I enjoyed doing the communication form of mass communication the most.  In this class I had the opportunity to learn how to make a website to present to the class on how I integrated educational technology and technology tools into a third grade classroom (  By having  this class I learned I was more interested in the creative communication aspect of education  rather than in the concept of teaching from a Common Core lesson plan. I also learned I enjoyed producing websites because mass communication extends it's influence beyond a small  group of people; it reaches towards a larger audience to inform them. Therefore my interest in using mass communication to convey my knowledge was a reason why I changed my major to Communication. 

Since I had enjoyed creating my education website it  made me want to pursue more information in the Communication study of  Mass Communication. I would especially like to specialize in the area of  Marketing and Advertisement. This area appeals to me the most because I enjoyed creating my website to be a source of communication to others on how technology is important in a classroom setting. I also enjoy expressing myself creatively with writing and creating visual displays. In addition to Communication  I am pursing minors in English and in Spanish Language in Cultures. This is because I enjoy learning how various cultures communicate. I hope to use my knowledge of English and Spanish to create graphic advertisements and write articles in both languages preferably for a timeshare travel company. That way I can reach a large diverse audience in my job profession; while  continuing to learn more about the diverse individuals who live and communicate in the world.

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